Construction site H41 Sill Gorge-Pfons: Lilia also reaches her own 3-km milestone

After getting past the “Viggartal” and “Walzn” fault zones without encountering any major problems, TBM Lilia completed...

Wildly successful Open Tunnel Day at the Brenner Base Tunnel, at the Isarco Underpass construction site

The Open Tunnel Day is a regular event held every year by the Brenner Base Tunnel company, to meet people living in the...

Wir sehen uns beim Tag des offenen Tunnels .... und herzlichen Glückwunsch an unsere GewinnerInnen!

Wir freuen uns schon sehr darauf, euch am Samstag auf unserer Baustelle „Eisackunterquerung“ begrüßen zu dürfen und euch...

Brenner Base Tunnel: engineering design services for railway equipment awarded

The contract for engineering design services for the railway outfitting of the Brenner Base Tunnel, worth approximately...

Construction site H41 Sill-Pfons Gorge: TBM Ida has excavated her first 3 km

Ida’s journey through the west main tunnel continues, with the first 3 km excavated. Meanwhile, her sister Lilia has...

Status of the works of the Brenner Base Tunnel

The BBT tunnel system includes about 230 km of tunnels. 171 km have already been excavated.
171 km
230 km
Railway tunnel 72 km
Exploratory tunnel 56 km
Other tunnels 43 km
This is the length of the Brenner Base Tunnel and the Innsbruck bypass with which it links south of Aldrans. This will make it the longest underground railway connection in the world.
Passenger trains will travel through the tunnel at a top speed of 250 km/h.
measuring stations
Water quality is monitored at 1,350 measuring stations all along the project area.
The trip from Innsbruck to Fortezza takes 80 minutes today. The trip through the BBT will take only 25 minutes.